Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sox are slowly self destructing/Yeah, we moved up!

Well, as we are nearing the last month of baseball season, it has indeed been a huge disappointment. The Sox started off with a bang until the All Star break. We had A Perfect Game from Mark Buehrle, which has launched a run of losses by Mark and the whole team.Ozzie has had a multitude of tirades, none of which have helped the cause. Fans are livid. I seriously doubt that there will be any post season run for either Chicago team. I guess there is always the Bears and Blackhawks to look forward to...but really, as a fan, it ain't over till the fat lady sings. Or in my case the petite, raven haired firecracker sings (badly). I do have to mention the highlight of my year was going to the White Sox Picnic in the Park in July. An event raising over $80,000 for White Sox Charities. I return of our donation, we were able to meet and greet the players, take pictures with them and have them sign memorabilia. They had a wonderful spread of food for the picnic. Along with a silent auction and a fireworks display to end the evening. A great time was had by all!

On a happy note, we have moved up on the website of our adoption facilitator! Yeah, I guess this means they are really trying to get us a kid so we will get off their backs! Hey, whatever works, right? I will be making "the call" again today to see how many birthmoms are viewing our profile. Fingers crossed!

As for our furry babies, Daisy found a baby bunny in the yard and brought it to us last evening right before dinner all proud of herself. I'm really hoping that it was dead before she found it. Ewwww, that really spoiled our appetite! Hubby disposed of it, but the scene is still in my mind. Ginger has been acting like she's not feeling well, but between the horrible weather and her new sister dog, I think she's just had enough of all of us! Well, I'm off to try to get something productive going. Peace!