Sunday, September 20, 2009

Another month passes...

Sometimes I amaze myself with how much I can cram into my schedule when I am supposed to be pacing myself. In the past few weeks, I have had my brother come and stay for a visit, my sister in law come and visit, go to see my favorite band in concert and now gearing up for a visit from one of my best friends to see the last White Sox home stand.

All of these things were highly enjoyable, but my Fibromyalgia must feel differently.
The amount of pain and fogginess is unrelenting this rainy Sunday evening. Probably has something to do with the crazy end of the week and weekend I had. On Thursday, I spent a very long day at the hospital with my mom while my dad had a cornea implant. The surgery was delayed by about 3 hours because of other, more complicated cases. Friday was the Sugarland concert in Milwaukee and we went up early to see a bit of the city and have some dinner. That night got me into bed way behind my rigid sleep schedule. I slept in a bit Saturday, sleeping in doesen't necessarily delete all of the extra strain I put on my body. Today DH and I (well, mostly the hubby) cleaned the house. A chore I hate and my body hates even more. Seeing as my cleaning lady has quit and I have not yet found a replacement, we have been doing this ourselves. This makes me realize how much of a bargain a cleaning person is.
On my to do list tomorrow: 1: Hire a new cleaning person.

Now this week, I am preparing for my friends visit and getting my pre surgery physical. Yeah...yep! I'm having major surgery on Oct 5th and am really, really wishing this didn't have to be done. In order for me to keep having a productive life, I must do this, but I won't like it.

So the Sox are trying to make a last ditch run for the AL Central. It's possible, but won't be easy. We can only hope!

Still no good news about the adoption stuff...blah, blah, blah.

Well, that's it for now. Peace!