Sunday, September 20, 2009

Another month passes...

Sometimes I amaze myself with how much I can cram into my schedule when I am supposed to be pacing myself. In the past few weeks, I have had my brother come and stay for a visit, my sister in law come and visit, go to see my favorite band in concert and now gearing up for a visit from one of my best friends to see the last White Sox home stand.

All of these things were highly enjoyable, but my Fibromyalgia must feel differently.
The amount of pain and fogginess is unrelenting this rainy Sunday evening. Probably has something to do with the crazy end of the week and weekend I had. On Thursday, I spent a very long day at the hospital with my mom while my dad had a cornea implant. The surgery was delayed by about 3 hours because of other, more complicated cases. Friday was the Sugarland concert in Milwaukee and we went up early to see a bit of the city and have some dinner. That night got me into bed way behind my rigid sleep schedule. I slept in a bit Saturday, sleeping in doesen't necessarily delete all of the extra strain I put on my body. Today DH and I (well, mostly the hubby) cleaned the house. A chore I hate and my body hates even more. Seeing as my cleaning lady has quit and I have not yet found a replacement, we have been doing this ourselves. This makes me realize how much of a bargain a cleaning person is.
On my to do list tomorrow: 1: Hire a new cleaning person.

Now this week, I am preparing for my friends visit and getting my pre surgery physical. Yeah...yep! I'm having major surgery on Oct 5th and am really, really wishing this didn't have to be done. In order for me to keep having a productive life, I must do this, but I won't like it.

So the Sox are trying to make a last ditch run for the AL Central. It's possible, but won't be easy. We can only hope!

Still no good news about the adoption stuff...blah, blah, blah.

Well, that's it for now. Peace!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sox are slowly self destructing/Yeah, we moved up!

Well, as we are nearing the last month of baseball season, it has indeed been a huge disappointment. The Sox started off with a bang until the All Star break. We had A Perfect Game from Mark Buehrle, which has launched a run of losses by Mark and the whole team.Ozzie has had a multitude of tirades, none of which have helped the cause. Fans are livid. I seriously doubt that there will be any post season run for either Chicago team. I guess there is always the Bears and Blackhawks to look forward to...but really, as a fan, it ain't over till the fat lady sings. Or in my case the petite, raven haired firecracker sings (badly). I do have to mention the highlight of my year was going to the White Sox Picnic in the Park in July. An event raising over $80,000 for White Sox Charities. I return of our donation, we were able to meet and greet the players, take pictures with them and have them sign memorabilia. They had a wonderful spread of food for the picnic. Along with a silent auction and a fireworks display to end the evening. A great time was had by all!

On a happy note, we have moved up on the website of our adoption facilitator! Yeah, I guess this means they are really trying to get us a kid so we will get off their backs! Hey, whatever works, right? I will be making "the call" again today to see how many birthmoms are viewing our profile. Fingers crossed!

As for our furry babies, Daisy found a baby bunny in the yard and brought it to us last evening right before dinner all proud of herself. I'm really hoping that it was dead before she found it. Ewwww, that really spoiled our appetite! Hubby disposed of it, but the scene is still in my mind. Ginger has been acting like she's not feeling well, but between the horrible weather and her new sister dog, I think she's just had enough of all of us! Well, I'm off to try to get something productive going. Peace!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Baseball game, AJ's 100th, Lack of Babies

Hubby & I went to our first White Sox game this past weekend. My sister and nephew went along. We had great seats, the weather ended up being beautiful despite the fact that the whole drive to the ballpark we were in a typhoon. Just as we were walking from our car to the Cell, the clouds parted and the sun came out....AHHHHHH! Cue the angels and harps. LOL. The game was great, even though the Sox lost, it was FABULOUS to be back at US Cellular Field again! When I am there, I feel "home". It's a feeling I cannot describe. I wish we lived closer, or it was closer to us. I would be at every game. Took some so so pictures and got to see which of my guys stayed in shape over the winter. The Sox seem to be having a bit of trouble driving in players who have gotten on base. It's frustrating!! But the weather here in the Chi is still COLD for baseball! Wait until the weather warms...the Sox will be on a roll!! Rolling all the way to the playoffs! Enough of Sunday's game...Today AJ hit his 100th career home run!! Not much pomp and circumstance to it. Hawk & Stonie mentioned it during the game. No return of the ball to AJ, no announcement to the crowd, no ovation from the fans. If I were AJ, that would royally piss me off...he gets absoultely no respect. He's the Rodney Dangerfield of the Sox. Well I stood up and cheered, hooted and hollered here in the house while nursing my temperature and aches. LOVE YOU AJ!! Always will...
Now to babies. According to our adoption agency, April is a "slow" month. Is that twisted or what? A slow month? The whole adoption journey is a strange, crazy and non sensical beast. Most of the time we wish we never started, more now than ever. Who knows if it will ever work out? That remains to be seen. We don't know what lies ahead, but we have accepted that.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Family Dynamics

Ok, this post has nothing really to do with the title of my blog. It's about family, my family, your family and the difference in families. I have a relatively large family, not as large as my hubby's but large for these times. So today I spent a good part of the day with my parents, making travel arrangements to be at my younger brother's wedding coming up in May. I love my parents tons but they absolutely drive me crazy to the extent that when I leave them or they leave me after being together I feel like I have run a marathon when we actually were just talking, having conversation. So here is how today went down. Mom & Dad arrive with the fixings for lunch(turkey, rolls and even chocolate cake for dessert) Now I don't usually have a "lunch" per say. I usually grab whatever I can while doing running around. That's fine, we can eat.We(or I) sit at my computer comparing the many hotel options we have while in TN for the wedding. My way, do it online. Dad's way, call the hotel direct. So ulitmately Dad calling got the lower price. My way is wrong. Whatever. On to the air reservations. Mom-"Julie, how do you know how to buy a ticket online?" "You can even pick our seats?" These are questions you may expect from a 70 something person, and I know this, but it still gets to me. "I just know, Mom."
Mom-"Well how do we know we have a reservation? We can't just use this piece of paper" Dad-"Are you sure it went through?" You get the idea. How do you handle this in your everyday life? Or am I the only one who goes through this? I know I'm not. You love these people that gave you life, maybe more than anyone in this world, but they DRIVE YOU INSANE! I try hard to be a good daughter. Be patient, listen, take their advice into consideration. Why don't they do that with us, their childrenm, when it comes to technology? know I sound like I'm complaining...I am, but I'm not. I guess when the frustration wears off, I sit and think to myself, "How lucky am I to have my parents to drive me crazy?" I have many friends who's parents are no longer here and would love to have their parents back in their lives. They will think I'm a selfish brat, which admittedly I can be. It's just an interesting dynamic, interacting with family.
It's a whole different ballgame(ok, that's the only reference to my blog title). Different players, different location, different relationships. It all just ends up to be the same in the end though, we are families, we love each other (most of the time!), we are there for each other, we fight. But the blood that runs through our parents, runs through us. That gets me thinking, does this mean that our adopted child will ALWAYS think differently than us, since they don't share our blood? My thoughts on that are a definate NO! I think our child will have the same quirky, crazy, annoying habits we have simply because they will be nurtured by us. Yeah...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My first post!

Ok, you probably think, "What the heck do babies & baseball have to do with each other?" You see, these are the two things that control my life...I'm either waiting impatiently for baseball season to start. I am a die hard Chicago White Sox Fan & AJ Pierzynski fan. You may think all of this is rather shallow but, it keeps my mind busy while my hubby and I wait, wait, wait for the child that is to be ours find us. We are currently on a list to be adoptive parents. It's been about 13 months now. So far we have had three birthmoms choose us, and then decide that they were keeping the baby. Which, we can't blame them. It is their choice, but in them having all of the choices we completely loose control of a particular part of our lives that "normally" would be very much in our control. Again, you may think of me as shallow, but truly, this is my life, welcome!!!