Sunday, March 22, 2009

My first post!

Ok, you probably think, "What the heck do babies & baseball have to do with each other?" You see, these are the two things that control my life...I'm either waiting impatiently for baseball season to start. I am a die hard Chicago White Sox Fan & AJ Pierzynski fan. You may think all of this is rather shallow but, it keeps my mind busy while my hubby and I wait, wait, wait for the child that is to be ours find us. We are currently on a list to be adoptive parents. It's been about 13 months now. So far we have had three birthmoms choose us, and then decide that they were keeping the baby. Which, we can't blame them. It is their choice, but in them having all of the choices we completely loose control of a particular part of our lives that "normally" would be very much in our control. Again, you may think of me as shallow, but truly, this is my life, welcome!!!

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